InfoHof Team

James Allerton

CEO and investor.

James was a prominent investor in the original Dotcom Bubble era, although he had a bit of a nervous breakdown during the market crash and took a long sabbathical.

Now he’s back in business, helping InfoHof with his expertise, vision, and leadership. He also made a substantial investment in form of shares of Internet companies from his old portfolio — sadly, those companies no longer exist so the investment is worth a bit less than we might expect, but we appreciate his generousity nonetheless.

Kesi the Server Serval

Kesi is a webmaster and system administrator. She seems to spend most of her time playing or napping and yet manages to get her work done — no one is sure how.

We had some difficulties with getting her a work visa due to wildlife import regulations — it’s not always easy to hire the right person for the job!

Daniil Baturin

Daniil Baturin is the maintainer of soupault — the tool that powers HTML processing at InfoHof and gives unprecedented flexibility to website authors.

His presense is believed to be important for the company despite the fact that he spends most of his time working on something else.

Lulu Cathrinus Grimalkin

Lulu is an expert in web technologies, including custom mouse pointers, reimplementation of historically important HTML tags (such as <marquee> and <blink>) in modern browsers, and other arcane capabilities of HTML and CSS.